Sunday, May 3, 2020

Hide IP AddressHide IP

May 03, 2020 0

Hide IP AddressHide IP
How to Hide Your IP Address
Borrow a different IP address to go anywhere online and stay hidden.

The reasons why you might want to mask your IP address may include: Hiding your geographical location, preventing Web tracking, avoiding a digital footprint, or to bypass any content filters, bans or blacklisting.

There are a few ways to hide your IP address...that unique number assigned to the network connection on the computer.

Four ways to hide your IP address:
Use a VPN Service
Use Tor
Use a Proxy Server
Use Free/Public WiFi
1. Use a VPN Service – The Best Way 

Sign up with these services and when you go online, you'll be showing the world a different IP that's on loan from the service you're using.

There are many more advantages to using a personal VPN service over a proxy such as high speed bandwidth, usability, a secure connection, private access to blocked sites, and the ability to choose the country and city where you appear to be.

There are hundreds of VPN companies you could choose from...many of them shady or poor quality.

Guess what?

We've reviewed and recommend the following best VPN services:

Private Internet Access
Don't know which VPN is right for you? Try our new VPN Simplifier!

2. Use the Tor Browser – The Slowest Choice

Tor LogoPeople from all over the world use Tor to search and buy products and communicate with others with restricted Internet access, such as what exists in some foreign countries.

The Tor Browser (like Chrome, Firefox or Safari) is a free software program that you download onto your computer that conceals your IP address every time you go online anonymously. This free process is layered with heavy-duty encryption, which means your data is layered with security and privacy protection.

3. Use a Proxy Server – Potentially Risky Method

A proxy server (sometimes called an "open proxy" or just "proxies") can be use to re-route your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, or Edge) around company or school content filters.

There are risks involved in using free proxies to mask your IP address: Many will slow down your internet connection, some are run on compromised machines, and may not be legal in some countries.

A safer solution is to use proxies managed by a company such as Smartproxy.

4. Use Free/Public WiFi – The Long Distance Option

Free Wi-Fi
An IP address doesn't travel with you. So if you simply go to a coffee shop, bookstore or hotel lobby and tap into their Wi-Fi, you will temporarily hide your usual IP address. How so? You'll be using their network's IP address for as long as you're online.

Try it out. First, click show my ip to see your current IP address, and then visit any place with free Wi-Fi, log in to their Internet and check it again.

However, if you don't use a VPN, your Internet activity is at risk of being spied on or intercepted by a bad guy without your knowing it.

How likely is that?

Who knows! But don't make online purchases or check your bank account while drinking your Grande Espresso.

In conclusion...
Use a VPN service for high speed bandwidth, usability, a secure connection, private access to blocked sites, and the ability to choose the country and city where you appear to be.

Private Internet Access

Sunday, January 19, 2020

C++ Storage Classes

January 19, 2020 0
The storage class is used to specify control of two different properties: storage lifetime and scope(visibility) of variables.

Following storage classes can be used in a C++ Program:
  • Automatic
  • External
  • Static
  • Register

  • Automatic(auto) Storage Class

    Variable defined within the function body are called auto variable. The auto storage class is used to declare automatic variables, which is also called local variables.
    auto int a, b, c = 100;
    is the same as:
    int a, b, c = 100;

    The External Storage Class

    External variables are defined outside of the function. Once External variable declared, the variable can be used in any line of codes throughout the rest of the program.
    The extern modifier is most commonly used when two or more C++ files are sharing the same global variables or functions.
    First File : main.cpp
    #include <iostream>
    #include "file.cpp"
    int count ;
    extern void write_extern();
       count = 5;
    Second File : file.cpp
    #include <iostream>
    extern int count;
    void write_extern(void)
       std::cout << "Count is " << count << std::endl;
    Program Output:

Data Types in C++

January 19, 2020 0
Data types in any of the language mean that what are the various type of data the variables can have in that particular language. Information is stored in computer memory with different data types. Whenever a variable is declared it becomes necessary to define a data type that what will be the type of data that variable can hold. 
Data Types available in C++:
  1. Primary(Built-in) Data Types:
    • character
    • integer
    • floating point
    • boolean
    • double floating point
    • void
    • wide character
  2. User Defined Data Types:
    • Structure
    • Union
    • Class
    • Enumeration
  3. Derived Data Types:
    • Array
    • Function
    • Pointer
    • Reference
Both C and C++ compilers support the fundamental, i.e., the built-in data types. Taking void as an exception the basic data types may have several modifiers, and these modifiers are used to serve the data types in various situations.
The lists of modifiers used in C++ are:
  • signed
  • unsigned
  • long
  • short

Character Data Types

Data Type (Keywords)DescriptionSizeTypical Range
char Any single character. It may include a letter, a digit, a punctuation mark, or a space.1 byte-128 to 127 or 0 to 255
signed char Signed character.1 byte-128 to 127
unsigned char Unsigned character.1 byte0 to 255
wchar_t Wide character.2 or 4 bytes1 wide character

Integer Data Types

Data Type (Keywords)DescriptionSizeTypical Range
int Integer.4 bytes-2147483648 to 2147483647
signed int Signed integer. Values may be negative, positive, or zero.4 bytes-2147483648 to 2147483647
unsigned int Unsigned integer. Values are always positive or zero. Never negative.4 bytes0 to 4294967295
short Short integer.2 bytes-32768 to 32767
signed short Signed short integer. Values may be negative, positive, or zero.2 bytes-32768 to 32767
unsigned short Unsigned short integer. Values are always positive or zero. Never negative.2 bytes0 to 65535
long Long integer.4 bytes-2147483648 to 2147483647
signed long Signed long integer. Values may be negative, positive, or zero.4 bytes-2147483648 to 2147483647
unsigned long Unsigned long integer. Values are always positive or zero. Never negative.4 bytes0 to 4294967295

Floating-point Data Types

Data Type (Keywords)DescriptionSizeTypical Range
float Floating point number. There is no fixed number of digits before or after the decimal point.4 bytes+/- 3.4e +/- 38 (~7 digits)
double Double precision floating point number. More accurate compared to float.8 bytes+/- 1.7e +/- 308 (~15 digits)
long double Long double precision floating point number.8 bytes+/- 1.7e +/- 308 (~15 digits)

Boolean Data Type

Data Type (Keywords)DescriptionSizeTypical Range
bool Boolean value. It can only take one of two values: true or false.1 bytetrue or false
Variables sizes might be different in your PC from those shown in the above table, depending on the compiler you are using.

Below example will produce the correct size of various data type, on your computer.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
 cout << "Size of char is " << sizeof(char) << endl;
 cout << "Size of int is " << sizeof(int) << endl;
 cout << "Size of float is " << sizeof(float) << endl;
 cout << "Size of short int is " << sizeof(short int) << endl;
 cout << "Size of long int is " << sizeof(long int) << endl;
 cout << "Size of double is " << sizeof(double) << endl;
 cout << "Size of wchar_t is " << sizeof(wchar_t) << endl;
 return 0;
Program Output:
Size of char is 1

Size of int is 4

Size of float is 4

Size of short int is 2

Size of long int is 4

Size of double is 8

Size of wchar_t is 4

Enum Data Type

This is a user-defined data type having a finite set of enumeration constants. The keyword 'enum' is used to create an enumerated data type.
enum enum-name {list of names}var-list;
enum mca(software, internet, seo);


It is used to create a new data type. But it is commonly used to change the existing data type with another name.
typedef [data_type] synonym;

typedef [data_type] new_data_type;
typedef int integer;
integer rollno;

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Operators in C++

January 18, 2020 0
C++ operator is a symbol that is used to perform mathematical or logical manipulations. C++ language is rich with built-in operators. 

Arithmetic Operators


Increment and Decrement Operators


Relational Operators

==Is equal to
!=Is not equal to
>Greater than
<Less than
>=Greater than or equal to
<=Less than or equal to

Logical Operators

&&And operator. Performs a logical conjunction of two expressions.
(if both expressions evaluate to True, result is True. If either expression evaluates to False, result is False)
||Or operator. Performs a logical disjunction on two expressions.
(if either or both expressions evaluate to True, result is True)
!Not operator. Performs logical negation on an expression.

Bitwise Operators

<<Binary Left Shift Operator
>>Binary Right Shift Operator
~Binary One's Complement Operator
&Binary AND Operator
^Binary XOR Operator
|Binary OR Operator

Assignment Operators

+=Increments, then assigns
-=Decrements, then assigns
*=Multiplies, then assigns
/=Divides, then assigns
%=Modulus, then assigns
<<=Left shift and assigns
>>=Right shift and assigns
&=Bitwise AND assigns
^=Bitwise exclusive OR and assigns
|=Bitwise inclusive OR and assigns

Misc Operators

,Comma operator
sizeof()Returns the size of an memory location.
&Returns the address of an memory location.
*Pointer to a variable.
? :Conditional Expression

IMG Scroll Animation (yes/no)
